Outreach Program
The Outreach Coordinator is responsible for creating meaningful dialogue with community stakeholders by proactively participating in community events and public education initiatives. The Coordinator establishes and strengthens connection with the diverse population of Ontario.
The SIU’s outreach program aims to:
- Increase awareness of the SIU, the new legislation (SIU Act 2019), its mandate, and the investigative process
- Improve transparency and correct misperceptions
- Raise confidence in the integrity of the SIU
- Enhance relationships with diverse community groups in Ontario
- Strengthen public engagement and expand opportunities for information sessions
With more awareness by the public and law enforcement officials of the SIU’s mandate, the following benefits may be had:
- more incidents that fall within the SIU’s jurisdiction will be reported in a timely fashion;
- more witnesses will be willing to come forward and cooperate with investigations; and
- the more likely those impacted by SIU investigations and the broader public will have confidence in the work of the Unit.
If you would like to request the SIU's attendance at your event or to request a presentation, please use this form.
Contact the Outreach Coordinator to learn more.
Contact the Outreach Coordinator to learn more.
Take Our Kids to Work
One of the many important initiatives the SIU participates in is Take Our Kids to Work. Every year for a day in November, the SIU hosts Grade 9 students at the SIU headquarters in Mississauga.
Typically, students participate in hands-on activities where they get to put on their investigator caps and take part in a mock investigation. Students walk through a mock crime scene, practice taking notes, photographs, collecting evidence and interviewing witnesses. Students also tour the mobile command unit, forensic lab, learn about fingerprinting, conducted energy weapons, and much more!
It offers a unique opportunity for students interested in careers in forensic science, criminal law, law enforcement and police oversight.

Students tour the forensic truck during Take Our Kids to Work day in November 2023 at SIU headquarters in Mississauga.